If you’ve ever discussed decorating or redesigning a home with me, you’ve probably heard me talk about “function first, then pretty”.  I am a true believer that if a space does not serve its function well then it doesn’t matter how pretty it is…you won’t be happy with it if it doesn’t work for you.

The same concept can be applied to accessorizing a room.  I love using “functional” accessories, items that serve a purpose while helping make a space pretty.  Baskets are my absolute personal favorite.  I especially love wicker baskets, which add both texture and warmth, while also serving to contain or hide other objects.  I could spend hours in the “basket” section of Hobby Lobby admiring all the different styles and colors, dreaming up ways I could use them in my home.  (Ok, I know that seems excessive but I don’t actually spend that much time there.  I could though.  Kind of makes me smile just to think about it.)

Anyway, the same can be said for decorative boxes, glass jars and canisters.  You can use these in any room in your home.  For example, you can use clear glass jars in the bathroom to hold items that overnight guests might need  but don’t want to poke around your cabinets to find (like Q-tips or cotton balls).  Canisters or jars on the kitchen counter can hold snacks or hot chocolate packets.

Use decorative boxes in your home office to keep printer paper or other supplies out of sight.  I use a small basket on my coffee table to hold things I like to keep close at hand but hate to see scattered around, like a lighter for candles, remote controls, lip balm and a pen or pencil for doing Sudoku puzzles.

So the next time you want to add some pretty to your space without just creating more clutter, try working in some functional accessories.